Sunday, December 27, 2009

It has been looking like Christmas...

Who creates these things?

These hideous hideous video games.

I just want their number. Really. That's all. I promise. You won't ever really find that body - honest!

For Christmas my son got this whole series of games about Rabbids. I hate them. Hate them with a passion. They were clearly written by a Japanese 7 year old and with that sick seven year old sense of humor because they have fart races, throw paper airplanes and collect garbage all while stealing clothes from various people.

Seven year old humor!

It makes me crazy to watch - especially since my son is constantly jumping around and yelling at the tv. I could tolerate just about anything else, but the combination is far too much. *shudders* I am going to be lucky to sane by the end of the winter break. Oddly, I believe it will be a relief to return to education and corrupting small children into thinking with higher order thinking skills. I shall brain wash them all into thinking that word games are the most fun out there. If I am lucky, I will be successful and the annoying rabbid things will leave my house FOREVER!!!! *insert evil cackling here*

In the mean time, December has not been all about annoying video games. It has been about time spent with friends and family.

And of course, Christmas cookies. My favorite kind is definitely the frosted sugar cookie. Mom makes the dough homemade and we cut them out and frost them. This year we spent over six hours creating and frosting cookies. It was delicious and as always I think they turned out even better than they did last year. And they made for a great set of pictures:
Aside from the cookies, there is family as always. Little boys and their laughter and excitement. I really feel like this was the most exciting year for Santa Claus to come and visit. Monkey Boy was very into it and made sure that everything was just so and I managed to remember that believing in a jolly red man who brings presents is an amazing thing. That even then adults are remembered in many instances.

Family sharing and laughing together. I think that is the best thing about the whole season - sharing family laughter together about things - in this case a great Star Wars cookbook for a little boy. And of course in our family - the new tradition of hideous gag gifts for siblings.

J's rubber chicken of DOOM.

M's fabulous new work shirt and excellent tie.
N's purse of many things. Many interesting contents...

Here is a better picture of the THING from HELL. It is supposed to be a backpack of a purse or something. It was decidedly ugly including all the leftovers yarn from a million different projects. The bottom of the bag was the worst - requiring three undoings and more to get it right - at at least semi-correct.

Enjoy your holiday season and remember that life is a brilliant thing to enjoy. I am grateful for all the end of this year brought and I know that next year will be even better.

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